Wednesday, 24 July 2013

#SDE2013 Session Resources

This past week I was happy to share and present at the SDEConference in Chicago and had a great time with all four sessions I presented. As promised, here are all the resources or videos I shared in my sessions.

The first two sessions I did were PBL – Making Literacy Come Alive and Student Driven Learning with Technology. These first two sessions were more conversational and not any real resources were shared other than first hand experiences. I did share some of my students’ videos from my YouTube channel as well as some projects.

My third session was Innovation and Education and I shared some of my beliefs on what we are doing wrong in schools and some techniques on how to change that. One area that I spoke about was my experiences with Standards Based Grading and how it looks in my classroom. Another topic we discussed was the EdCamp movement for professional development as well as some teaching methodologies.

The final session I did was Interactive History, which was a resource sharing festival by both myself and the participants. Here is the listing of the resources shared and they are broken down by categories.

Today’s Meet – Use as backchannel for discussion

Screencast-o-matic to record your lectures and share with students

Reports and Presentations
CrazyTalk talking heads
March Madness Bracket” for historical figures
Ujam song creator
Facebook page using fakebook

Game or Simulations
BBC site for a handful of simulations
The ICivics site with tons of activities

Primary Source Documents:
New York Times time machine to access old documents
National Archives site for a ton of activities
Awesome Stories resources

="MsoNormal"> Additional Resources
A Livebinder of US and World history resources as well as primary documents

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Lessons from Brazil: Impressions

In a continuing attempt to capture the experiences and reflections from my recent trip to Brazil as part of a Global Fellowship program, here is my latest reflection. The idea embedded in this post was a lesson that I learned by pure accident and on the final day of my trip abroad.

On our final day in Brazil, a handful of the male teachers from the fellowship decided to go out for lunch before catching our bus back to the airport and flying home. After an entertaining walk and meeting some of the more colorful locals, we found a quaint little place to eat. As we took our seats we were all fumbling through trying to communicate with the waitress who did not speak English. We were your typical Americans laughing about the experience and not really having much success distinguishing to the waitress between a Coke and a Coke Zero. We were doing our best to use our hand gestures, pointing and one teacher even had an app to convert Portuguese words to English.

As this train wreck of an ordering process continued, one of the teachers made a remark that stuck with me. Several of the teachers at the table were commenting on how our waitress was doing a phenomenal job. She was incredibly patient with our demands in spite of our futile attempts to communicate using both verbal and nonverbal means. As we were reflecting on her patience and polite demeanor, one of the teachers made the comment that struck me. He said that she might be somebody's first and only impression of the country of Brazil. What he meant was too often one single person can create the impression for an entire group of people. If we were to base our entire experience on that one moment or in that one individual, what would that say about the people of Brazil. What assumptions or conclusions or beliefs would we have about the people because of one interaction with one person from Brazil?

Of course the natural next step to that conversation was maybe we, the gentleman that were sitting at that table, were the only impression this woman was ever going to have of Americans. With that in mind, were we doing our best job to leave a good impression of what it meant to be an American? Was she going to go home and say all Americans are like (fill in the blank) because of the experience she had with us at lunch. Did we leave a good impression? Did we leave a bad impression?

Weeks after that experience I started thinking more about the interactions I had as I was down there in Brazil and what impression I may have left on those people about what it meant to be an American or even an American teacher. Did I do what was necessary to communicate to them what I believe in and was that necessarily reflective of the entire teacher population of our country? That may seem pretty heavy and maybe a little over the top but it was something I definitely thought about.

Like most good ideas, I don't think this notion of impression making is a teacher thing but rather a human thing. What sort of impression do you leave with people that you meet one time? When you meet somebody at a conference or stand in front of a room of strangers, what impression do you leave? Are you representing your school or in my case your country in a positive manner? In thinking about this, I wonder about the upcoming fall school year that will be here before we know it. What impression do I want to leave with my students on the very first day that they will walk home and share with their family? What about the entire school year and how I may impact a child or a family's belief or feelings about schooling or education in our school or state? We have all seen it in our time as educators. A teacher has completely ruined a child educational career or a family's perspective about a school or a school district. It only takes one teacher to ruin that faith in school for a family or a student. However, just like it only takes one to ruin, it can also take one to instill confidence and spark a love for learning.

I think there's a lesson to take to heart here when looking forward to the new school year or current school year for some. What impressions are you going to leave on your students or even your colleagues? Even those of you that have been teaching for many years, there's always a time, a place and an opportunity to change that impression of who you are, what you stand for and what you believe in.

Thursday, 11 July 2013

Lessons from Brazil: False Assumptions

Recently I took a trip to Brazil as part of a Global Learners Fellowship. We visited a handful of schools in both Sao Paulo in Rio de Janeiro. In addition, we visited some other Non-Governmental Agencies, Volunteer Organizations as well as some typical tourist sites. I plan on writing a series of posts about the things that I saw and experienced and the reflections from all of it. It really was one of those experiences that will take several weeks, months, and even years to fully processed and unpack. Naturally, I took a ton of pictures and videos. Here is just a short video I put together as a one-minute highlight reel.

False Assumptions

When I left for Brazil I had a lot of preconceived notions about what I was going to experience and witness while in the country and in their schools. To be honest, I had a pretty stereotypical American attitude that there was going to be very little I was going to learn about how to do my job as a teacher better. I figured I would have fun, meet a ton of great people, but not really find anything great to bring back to my classroom. I knew the goal of our trip was to open our eyes to global competency and give us a unique perspective on just that. However, I was incredibly skeptical that I was truly going to be inspired to change my teaching based on anything I was going to see in a Brazilian school.

On the insanely long plane ride to Sao Paulo, another Fellow and I were talking about why we were even going to Brazil. Why were we not heading to Helsinki? Clearly we would learn more there. Then we began to think that maybe we were coming as the messiahs to preach the good word of American education to the people of Brazil. How colonial of us. J Frankly, we were more excited about seeing the cable car from Moonraker up on Sugar Loaf Mountain than visiting the sure to be uninspiring schools of Brazil.

Yet on our very first school visit to Humboldt High School in Sao Paulo my preconceived notions were shattered in just a matter of seconds. Where I thought I would see depressing and sad state of affairs, I encountered passion and enthusiasm unlike anything I had ever seen. The students at this school showed a level of passion for being in school that I have never witnessed in any school I have ever attended or taught in. I saw the kids that had a love for learning and literally craved it is we see Americans crave fast food. Now I must put a disclaimer here that the school we visited was sort of a pilot school that I will explain in a future post. Essentially it was a public school that did receive a level of financial support from a business partnership.

There was no sense of entitlement that we often face in American school. In fact it was quite the opposite. The kids we spoke with felt that they were genuinely lucky and truly blessed to be in school and to learn as a way to improve their lives. It was like nothing I have ever seen or witnessed or felt before. Here I was, this arrogant American teacher who thought that I had it all figured out. How wrong I was. What I wouldn’t give to have just one of those students come to my school and share their genuine love for learning with my students and teachers. Words can simply not express the experience.

One might ask why were they so enthusiastic and passion about learning? Obviously, they had Classroom Dojo to facilitate their behaviors and make sure they were getting stickers and badges to motivate them. Or maybe they were using the flipped classroom model and these kids were going home and being inspired by watching YouTube videos and coming in and having lively discussions. Some of you are thinking it's because their teachers were held to such a high level of accountability with test scores that they just naturally had this lively, loving, and supportive learning environment. You might assume that they had a one to one technology environment with every kid having a MacBook Air or an iPad or wearing a pair of Google Glass. You can probably picture the walls filled with student work and motivational posters with people climbing high rock walls in mountaintops.

To be honest none of that was there. It was just a bunch of kids that wanted to learn and a bunch of teachers that wanted to teach them. It’s just that simple. They had created such a community that it just worked. A great example of this community was when we ate lunch. I am a lunchroom supervisor and often spend my lunch periods eating while standing and roaming around redirecting and disciplining kids to pick up after themselves. Yet in this school there were no supervisors anywhere in the lunchroom area. It was just kids eating and in some cases teachers sitting with them as well. You could feel the community and respect the kids and staff had for each other and their school.

My initial takeaway from this visit was how they were able to do so much by way of motivating students and creating a community of learning with so little. You could see in every teacher and student we spoke with a genuine love for each other and passion for making theirs lives better. This was not about improving tests scores, which is a reality for them, but it was about improving lives. Their sense of community and passion was something I will never forget and will remember with jealousy.

I moved forward from that first school visit with a new outlook and tossed all of my false assumptions out the door. From that point on I embraced the idea that I had a lot to learn and planned on soaking it all up. 

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

History Hero

For the past several months I have been working on a new project that I am excited and super anxious about. I was approached by individuals at Mind Gamez to come on and consult on a new video game app they were developing. To start, all I knew was that I was going to visit museums, play a video game and do some work with Historical artifacts, which sounded great to me.

The idea behind the video game is to make kid’s experiences at museums and historical locations more interactive and engaging. The name of the game is History Hero and has recently hit the App Store in several markets. Essentially, the users are trying to save historical artifacts from being stolen by the villains who are the Erasers. For example, I have written missions at the Art Institute of Chicago. The mission will take kids through the museum where they will have to “save” some of the most important pieces of art in the museum. It is a great way to get kids and adults involved in the exhibits. Maybe the best part is it takes some of the guessing game of what should we see at the museum out of your visit. As of right now the App is ready in a few select markets and you can read the full press release here.

Personally, I am the Chicago area “guy” and am putting finishing touches on missions at the Field Museum and the Art Institute with more sites to follow. If you have kids or students that travel to any of these museums I would strongly encourage you to grab the app and have a blast.

Here is a great promotional video that was recently released!

Samsung Galaxy Note 8 Review

Recently, I was approached by Staples to do a product review on the Samsung Galaxy Note 8.

The model I received has 2GB of RAM, is WiFi only (802.11a/b/g/n), Bluetooth 4.0, and has 16GB of memory storage, expandable to 64GB via a microSD/HC slot.

Some other important specs include:
8" screen with a 1280x800 resolution
Quad-Core, 1.6GHz processor
Android 4.1.2 (Jelly Bean)
.73 pounds in weight
5MP rear and 1.3MP front cameras

I have never written a review of a product before and if I am being honest, I read a number of them before attempting to write this one. Most reviews give you all the technical jargon and specs that the average user could probably care less about. I decided that as a teacher I would go through my uses of this tablet and how I could see it being used by students and teachers in a classroom or school setting. To be clear, I was skeptical that this tablet would be any different than the iPad or even the Kindle Fire, which I also use regularly.

To start with, I do like the aesthetic qualities of the Galaxy Note. It is small enough to fit in my hand and feels very much like a small notebook as the name indicates. I used it in both portrait and landscape mode depending on what I was doing on the device. I did use it to read a book and found it had a sharp picture and was easy to read and maneuver within the text. I could see this being a good device for younger students as it is smaller and therefore better suited for small hands. As I can attest, it is also capable of being dropped from a high table and remains in perfect working order. J I did not have a screen cover or any sort of shell but realize there are a number of those available for additional protection or customization.

Apps and Programs
In terms of overall apps and programs, I found the ones I installed and used intuitive and easy to use. This might have been because I use a Samsung Galaxy S3 Phone and many of the functions and procedures were similar. Many of the apps included are the same ones you would have on any device. I am a user of Tweetdeck, Vine, Evernote, Facebook, Instagram and a handful of photo and video editing apps. All of these functioned exactly as they do on my phone or any other device for that matter. Again, I see this device having value in a school setting because it is cheaper than a full iPad and frankly I was unable to find any apps that could not be used on it effectively.

As the great device wars rages on, I think cheaper and smaller devices such as the Galaxy Note will be popular because it can run nearly all of the same apps as the Apple devices but also have great integration with Google. As a heavy Google user (Blogger, G+, Picasa, Drive, Talk and Maps) this device seamlessly integrates all of those programs and utilities. When I first logged into the device I synched with my Google account and instantly had access to all of my “stuff” in the Google universe. I see this is a huge positive for schools that are using Google Apps for Education or are heavy users of Google tools.

The Stylus
I am aware that other tablets have styluses, yet this one works a bit differently. The big feature for me is the button on the stylus that can be used to take various screen shots. Just simply tapping the button on the stylus and your screen will take a full screen shot very quickly and easily. I was also doing a fair amount of reading on the device and wanted to take notes. While I was reading, I simply grabbed the stylus and was able to click the button and essentially grab portions of the screen and snap a picture of it. I then used those images to drop into a notebook page or into an Evernote note. This would be tremendous for kids doing research or taking notes from text. I could see big uses for students to grab screen shots of a whole variety of things including documents or images that the teacher is sending to them via an LMS or tool such as Google Documents or through Evernote. The possibilities are really endless.

In addition to the screen shot taking, the stylus will function in the same way that most do in that it can be used to scroll, navigate pages and write. This would be useful for some of the handwriting apps for primary grade students. The ability to take notes was something I also tried and it has a very solid handwriting to text recognition that I found useful. Again, students can take notes in their own hand and then have it converted to text and imported, shared, or used in a whole host of ways.

Camera and Video
As far as tablets go, the camera and video playback on the Galaxy Note is pretty standard for most devices on the market. I took videos and pictures in a variety of settings and it worked as anticipated. Low light settings are not great but then again most devices are lacking in this area. I installed a host of picture editing apps because that is something I enjoy doing. They all functioned great and I would anticipate teachers in a variety of settings that use digital media to find great use in that area. The screen size was also large enough to see and interact with the pictures while editing. In terms of the video playback, I did do some video streaming/watching on the device and it was of high quality. As a parent of two little guys who love being at out local pool, I spent a great deal of time with the device there. Even in the bright afternoon sun, I was able to view videos and even text with little trouble at all. This would be useful of you have a handful of these devices with kids working outside.

As with any piece of technology, it all comes down to user experience and with so many options out there, the consumers have plenty to choose from. I own more devices than I am willing to admit and they all have some place in my routine of either work or play. Many of us continue to search for that one device that will serve all of our needs or in my case, th
e needs of my students. I see that Galaxy Note as a solid candidate for use in classrooms simply because it is small in hand and can do just about everything the other devices on the market can. I look forward to using the device more and seeing what other classroom uses I can develop including its possible synching with our school Learning Management System in the fall.

Full disclosure: provided me with this product for review. The thoughts and opinions expressed are strictly my own. Feel free to shop their entire line of tablets online.